Electrical & Computer Engineering
Trevecca’s Bachelor of Science in electrical and computer engineering equips students to enter the growing engineering field. Students will design and conduct experiments, interpret and analyze data, design systems to meet needs within a variety of constraints, and identify and solve engineering problems.
Program Benefits
- Graduate with the skills you need to be competitive in the job market.
- Learn from faculty who possess high degrees in their fields, who have relevant and valuable real-world experience, who make an effort to know you personally and who are invested in your success.
- Enjoy our small class sizes and supportive campus community.
- Take advantage of incredible internships and jobs available in the exciting Nashville market.
What to Expect
As a student in Trevecca’s Bachelor of Science in electrical and computer engineering program, you’ll be part of a growing and exciting industry. You’ll gain a strong theoretical foundation in engineering, science and mathematics while being challenged to creatively apply that knowledge in hands-on learning projects throughout your college experience.
You’ll have opportunities to work closely with faculty members to design and conduct experiments, to interpret and analyze data and to identify and solve engineering problems using modern equipment and design tools in our labs, which are open around the clock. You’ll learn to design systems that meet economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, manufacturability, sustainability and health and safety constraints. Aside from applying engineering principles to real-world problems, you’ll also hone your abilities to communicate professionally, to function on multidisciplinary teams, to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a variety of contexts and to employ modern techniques, skills and tools to meet challenges.
Why Choose Trevecca?
Founded in 1901 and a leader in online education for more than two decades, Trevecca helps students discover and pursue an individual calling by providing innovative instruction; cultivating a supportive, Christ-centered community; and establishing relationships that open doors.
Recognized nationally and locally for academic quality, Trevecca has earned a reputation for providing the world with servant leaders, problem solvers and difference makers. Trevecca’s holistic approach to education encompasses intellectual, social, emotional, physical and spiritual growth.
As a Christian university, we offer programs that explore the ways faith intersects with your field of study. This means you can gain your engineering degree in a supportive, Christian community with small classroom sizes and engaged faculty members who care about you and your goals.

Course Descriptions
Get details on all the courses you’ll complete as you work toward this degree at Trevecca.
Read MoreCareer Opportunities
With your degree in electrical and computer engineering, you’ll be ready to enter a growing field with incredible earning potential. The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Career Outlook Handbook reported that the median pay for computer hardware engineers was approximately $119,000 and the median pay for electrical engineers was approximately $103,000 in 2020. Specifically, you’ll prepare to be competitive in the following roles.
Computer engineering jobs
- Electrical controls designer
- Big data software engineer
- Cyber risk splunk specialist
- Cyber risk vigilant splunk specialist
- Systems engineer
- Software engineer
- Cybersecurity & privacy - penetration testing associate
- Artificial intelligence engineer
- Desktop/client support associate
- Machine learning engineer
Electrical engineering jobs
- Electrical engineer
- Automation engineer
- Technical services engineer
- Process control leader
- Project engineer
- IT developer
- Pneumatic controls technician
- Electrical distribution engineer
- Controls designer
- Electrical maintenance technician
- Solar PV designer
- Powertrain systems engineer
- Research engineer
- Office engineer
Your degree also gives you a solid foundation for graduate studies if you choose to continue your education.
Course Descriptions
Get details on all the courses you’ll complete as you work toward this degree at Trevecca.*
General Physics I
PHY 2110
General Physics II
PHY 2120
Introduction to Engineering Design
EEC 1500
A project-based introduction to engineering design. Industry-standard software design tools are used to create and document electrical and mechanical assemblies which are constructed using 3D printers and machine tools. Team-based design, engineering documentation, and collaborative work is emphasized.
Engineering Programming I
EEC 2150
An introduction to programming and software development for engineering, mathematical, and scientific applications. The basics of LabVIEW, MATLAB, and C/C++ will be introduced, and these programming environments will be used to solve problems, conduct experiments, and perform measurements. Topics include data types, functions, conditional statements, loops, structures, arrays, strings, file I/O, data visualization, and finite state machines.
Digital Logic I
PHY 2030/EEC 2030/ITI 2030
Circuits I
PHY 2500/EEC 2500
Elements of AC/DC circuits with semiconductor devices as applied to computing and other systems. Lecture and lab. Fee charged.
Mathematical Methods for Physical Science and Engineering
PHY 2550/MAT 2550
Designed to give accelerated access to upper level physical science courses by providing, in one semester, the essential background in mathematical methods. Course content may include multivariable calculus, linear algebra, complex functions, vector calculus, differential equations, and special functions. Lecture.
Electromagnetics I
PHY 3200/EEC 3200
This course covers applied electrostatics and electrodynamics. Topics include boundary value problems, Maxwell's equations, and electromagnetic waves. Static fields and waves will be analyzed under various boundary conditions in vacuum and in linear media.
Calculus I
MAT 1510
A study of Cartesian and polar coordinates, parametric equations, vectors and vector-valued functions in 2 and 3 dimensions, limits, differentiation of functions with applications, integration of functions with applications, Taylor polynomials, and series. It is strongly recommended that students take PHY 2110 and PHY 2120 concurrently with MAT 1510 and MAT 1520, respectively.
Calculus II
MAT 1520
A study of Cartesian and polar coordinates, parametric equations, vectors and vector-valued functions in 2 and 3 dimensions, limits, differentiation of functions with applications, integration of functions with applications, Taylor polynomials, and series. It is strongly recommended that students take PHY 2110 and PHY 2120 concurrently with MAT 1510 and MAT 1520, respectively.
Calculus III
MAT 2510
A study of partial derivatives and multiple integrals and additional topics in vector-valued functions.
Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics
MAT 3000
Probability of sample spaces, random variables, discrete and continuous probability distributions. Analysis of the principles of descriptive and inferential statistics.
Digital Logic II
EEC 3030
This course applies digital logic design methodologies to topics such as digital system design, bus structure, clock synchronization and timing, optimization, asynchronous sequential circuits, computer aided design, design for test techniques and tools, and VLSI design.
Junior Design Project I
EEC 3110
A two-semester, team-based design project using the skills and knowledge learned throughout the first two years of study in the electrical and computer engineering program. Projects will be selected from a list of options. Designs will be planned, documented, implemented, and tested. Emphasis will be placed on project planning, teamwork, resource allocation, and recovery from unexpected challenges.
Junior Design Project II
EEC 3120
A two-semester, team-based design project using the skills and knowledge learned throughout the first two years of study in the electrical and computer engineering program. Projects will be selected from a list of options. Designs will be planned, documented, implemented, and tested. Emphasis will be placed on project planning, teamwork, resource allocation, and recovery from unexpected challenges.
Engineering Programming II
EEC 3150
This course makes use of the Python programming language to design object-oriented software for engineering applications. Topics include classes, encapsulation, inheritance, composition, polymorphism, file I/O, and Graphical User Interfaces. Additional topics include numerical methods and data visualization using Python.
Signals and Systems
EEC 3210
This course centers on linear system theory for analog and digital systems. Topics include linearity, causality and time invariance, impulse response, convolution and stability, Laplace and z- transforms, and Fourier series and transforms. Applications to Linear Time Invariant (LTI) systems, frequency response, and filter design will also be explored.
Microcontrollers and Embedded Systems
EEC 3220
A practical introduction to 8-bit and 32-bit microcontrollers, digital and analog sensors, data conversion, interface protocols, and real-time operating systems. Microcontrollers will be programmed in the C programming language. Topics include timers, interrupts, UART, SPI and I2C communication, Analog to Digital Conversion, and finite state machines.
Control Systems
EEC 3240
This course introduces analysis and design of linear-feedback control systems, modeling of physical systems, performance specifications, sensitivity and steady-state error. Additional topics include use of Root Locus and frequency-response techniques to analyze system performance and design compensation (lead/lag and PID controllers) to meet performance specifications.
Communication Systems
EEC 4100
The theory and design of analog and digital communications systems. Signal classification, correlation, representation, analysis and transmission methods are investigated, as are amplitude and frequency modulation, signal encoding/decoding, encryption and error detection/ correction.
Senior Design Project I
EEC 4110
A two-semester, team-based design project using the skills and knowledge learned throughout the first three years of study in the electrical and computer engineering program. Projects will involve multiple design constraints and will incorporate appropriate engineering standards. Emphasis will be placed on design specification, planning, teamwork, resource allocation, product safety, and compliance.
Senior Design Project II
EEC 4120
A two-semester, team-based design project using the skills and knowledge learned throughout the first three years of study in the electrical and computer engineering program. Projects will involve multiple design constraints and will incorporate appropriate engineering standards. Emphasis will be placed on design specification, planning, teamwork, resource allocation, product safety, and compliance.
Engineering Economics and Project Management
EEC 4130
This course covers a variety of topics, including decision, cost, and risk analysis, informatics, project management, entrepreneurship, and elements of operations research.
Engineering Ethics and Professionalism
EEC 4140
This course includes three parts: theory, case studies, and research presentation. The main activities of this course involves the analysis of engineering ethics case studies. Topics include ethics, philosophy of engineering, professional practices, and engineering ethics case study methodology.
Discrete Mathematics
MAT 1250
A study of discrete structures geared toward those entering computer or electrical engineering. Topics may include problem solving, numeration systems, sets, logic, relations, recursion, graphs and trees, sorting, Boolean algebra and circuits, and elementary data structures.
Electromagnetics II
PHY 4200/EEC 4200
This course covers electromagnetic wave propagation in free space and in dielectrics under various boundary and source conditions. Topics include Maxwell’s equations for time-varying fields, reflection and transmission, waveguides, radiation and antennas.
Semiconductor Electronics
EEC 3250
This course covers solid state electronics and devices. Topics include the covalent bond model, drift current and mobility in semiconductors, mobility and resistivity in doped semiconductors, the energy band model, p-n junctions, schotty barrier diodes, and diode circuit analysis. Additional topics include field-effect transistors, i-v characteristics, small-signal models, the unified MOS transistor model, BJT biasing, CMOS logic design, MOS memory circuits, and Bipolar logic circuits (ECL, TTL, and BiCMOS).
Power Systems
EEC 4150
This course includes topics such as: the generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electric power and the electrical equipment connected to such systems including generators, motors and transformers. Techniques that maintain a network of components which convert different forms of energy into electricity and for managing any of the three main subsystems of power engineering: generation, transmission and distribution. Assurance that all components are functioning properly and that they meet safety regulations and have adequate communication and data gathering functions. Design and development of renewable, energy efficient power grids and utility systems.
General Chemistry I
CHE 1040
The first course in a one-year sequence for students planning further work in chemistry. Topics discussed include atomic structure, periodic relationships, bonding, molecular structure, chemical reactions, thermochemistry, solids, liquids, and gases. Lecture and lab. Fee charged.
Modern Physics
PHY 3140
A course that explores some of the concepts that revolutionized physics in the early 20th century. Topics include relativity, quantum mechanics, atomic phenomena, and spectroscopy. Lecture and lab. Fee charged.
General Education and Freshman Course Requirement — 45 or 46 hours
*This program also contains a Computer Engineering and Electrical Engineering option.
*For a complete list of courses, tracks and other relevant information, view the program's course catalog.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is there an application fee?
No, it’s free to apply!
What will I learn and gain from the program?
Graduates of the program will walk away with:
- an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering
- an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
- an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability and sustainability
- an ability to function on multidisciplinary teams
- an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
- an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
- an ability to communicate effectively
- the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental and societal context
- a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning
- a knowledge of contemporary issues
- an ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.
- an ability to apply Christian principles to ethical and moral issues related to their major.
What kind of work can I do with a degree in computer or electrical engineering?
There are numerous career opportunities with a degree in computer or electrical engineering. Here are a few great career possibilities: electrical controls designer, software engineer, systems engineer, artificial intelligence engineer, machine learning engineer, electrical engineer, automation engineer, technical services engineer, project engineer, IT developer, electrical distribution engineer, controls designer, powertrain systems engineer, research engineer, office engineer and more.
What can I earn with a career in engineering?
The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Career Outlook Handbook reported that, in 2017, the median pay for computer hardware engineers was approximately $115,000. It also reported that the median pay for electrical engineers was approximately $98,000.
Is engineering a satisfying career?
A survey of over 700 engineers conducted by Experis in January 2017 revealed that 96% of the engineers surveyed are satisfied with their profession, and they intend to remain in the field of engineering for the duration of their career (97%). Ninety-five percent of those engineers are likely to recommend engineering as a career to others.