Becoming a Student

Encounter | New Student January Orientation

The ACT and SAT. College visits, applications, and transcripts—it’s all over now! You’ve made your college decision, and now it’s time to get to know more about the place you’ll call home for the next few years. At Trevecca, you’ll find a committed community of faculty, staff and students who want to help you discover your calling and prepare you to make a difference in the world. We’re so excited to see where your Trevecca story will take you!

January Orientation

Orientation might as well be called College 101. Set for January, Orientation is required for all incoming students. After moving into your residence hall and saying goodbye to your parents, you’ll finalize your class schedule, learn the ins and outs of being a Trevecca student—including our digital and community life standards—and participate in a few Trevecca traditions. Don’t wait—reserve your spot now!

  • Move-In and Check-In Date (Mandatory): Monday, January 6, 2025
  • January Orientation Date (Mandatory): Tuesday, January 7, 2025
  • First Day of Classes: Wednesday, January 8, 2025"


If you have any questions regarding Orientation, please contact the Office of Admissions at (615) 248-1320 or

Frequently Asked Questions



What is Encounter, and is it the same as new student orientation?

Encounter and orientation are different events with different purposes. Encounter is a summer event designed especially for new students. Encounter is a great chance to meet your future classmates, find a roommate, meet with professors in your area of academic interest and get answers to questions like “When do I move in?” and “Where can I find my class schedule?”

There is one Encounter dates for 2024:

  • Friday, June 21

Advance registration is required for Encounter. Students who have paid their enrollment deposit can register for Encounter on OneStop. Registration for this event will open soon.

You can learn more about new student orientation in the next section of questions.

I can’t attend Encounter. Will that put me behind?

Encounter is optional, and supplemental to your Trevecca experience. You will not be behind if you don’t attend, but you may have a few more nerves or questions for your admissions counselor. Also, please monitor your inbox - Trevecca will email the info you need for your first days on campus.

Can my parents/family attend Encounter with me?

Yes. We encourage your parents to attend Encounter with you, but their attendance is not required. It’s free for students and parents to attend. Younger siblings will likely be more comfortable at home, since this event is focused on students and parents. While Trevecca does not provide on-campus housing for students or parents at Encounter, we do have several hotel partners in the Nashville area with whom you can make housing arrangements.


New Student Orientation (August 20/21 thru August 26)

New student orientation is mandatory for all new students and begins with check-in. Each student will be assigned a check-in day/time on either August 20 or 21. (See the Housing section below for details.) All students are required to check in with the Admissions Office as their first step before moving into the dorm. Commuters must also check in with Admissions.

Orientation will begin Tuesday, August 20, and continue through Monday, August 26, with activities happening throughout each day and into the evenings. Orientation begins with check-in and continues throughout the weekend with activities, like LINK Field Day, designed to acclimate you to life at Trevecca and help you make friends. Whether you plan to live on campus or commute, your attendance is required for the entire weekend. If you live in Nashville and have a job, you will need to ask off work for the entire weekend. Attendance will be taken at various orientation activities – they are a required part of the INT1100 Life Calling & Purpose class. Missing these activities may affect your grade in the class.

Parents are invited to attend the first part of orientation with their students. Typically, the family-oriented events take place within the first two days. At the designated time, family members will be prompted to say goodbye to their student and leave campus. This allows students to be fully engaged in orientation activities.

Students who have paid their enrollment deposit can register for orientation on OneStop. Please register by August 1.

Around August 1, Trevecca will post the orientation schedule here. (Schedule is subject to change.)


When do classes start?

Classes will begin Tuesday, August 27, 2024.

How do I register for classes?

Trevecca pre-registers all new students for classes. Students will finalize their class schedules when they meet with academic advisors at orientation. No preparation is required prior to meeting with your advisor. Just show up on time for orientation activities as scheduled, and we’ll walk you through it from there.

Where can I find my class schedule?

Students may access their class schedule via Self-Service on using their Trevecca username and password (If you forgot login info, contact your admissions counselor.) The timing of the availability of online class schedules varies based on factors that are specific to each student. Depending on those factors, the tentative class schedule may be available on Self-Service in late July, or it may not be available until the week of orientation. If the student’s tentative class schedule appears in Self-Service prior to orientation, the student should understand that the schedule displayed may be incomplete. Schedules displayed online prior to orientation are tentative and subject to change. The student’s class schedule will not be final until after the student meets with his/her academic advisor at orientation. Questions regarding the class schedule will be addressed during academic advising. The Admissions Office cannot answer questions about class schedules.

Can I make changes to my class schedule?

Students who wish to make changes to their class schedule may request these changes when they meet with an academic advisor at orientation.

I want to change my major. What do I do?
  • Before August Orientation, contact your admissions counselor to request this change.
  • After check-in, you can make this request during your academic advising meeting, which happens during orientation in August. 
How do I know if I need to complete placement testing, and what do I do?

The Admissions Office will email students who need to take course placement. If you do not receive this e-mail, you are not required to take a placement test. The email provides detailed instructions on the options for testing. If you need help, contact your admissions counselor.

As a parent, how can I get access to my student’s academic info to monitor their grades?

The Federal Educational Right to Privacy Act (FERPA) grants students the right to control access to their academic information. As a part of the registration process at orientation in August, students will fill out a form with the Office of Academic Records that designates whom the student wants to have access to their academic information, including grades. If you’re a parent who wants access to your child’s grades, please discuss this with your student before orientation. Per FERPA, Trevecca cannot grant access to a student’s academic information without the student’s written consent.


How do I find a roommate?

In MyTrevecca > THD (using Trevecca credentials), students may use the filter on the roommate finder to look for people to get to know. View the instructions here.

If a student does not find a roommate before coming to campus, don’t worry. The Center for Student Development housing personnel will assign a roommate based on the profile and preferences you submitted on your residency application. We’re pretty good at making successful roommate matches!

We understand that finding a roommate can be a source of concern for new students. Remember, most new students are in the same boat when they arrive on campus – all new students are meeting new people and looking for friends. If you have concerns or questions about your roommate search, email the Center for Student Development at

When will I choose a room?

The first step is to complete the residency application form on MyTrevecca > THD.  (Need help? Contact your admissions counselor.)

When can I move into the residence hall?

Move-In/Check-In date is assigned and will take place either Tuesday, August 20, or Wednesday, August 21, 2024.

Students must check-in with the Admissions Office prior to moving into their dorms. Students will receive more information about this process before the event.

Questions or concerns about your assigned move-in time/date? Please contact the Center for Student Development at

What do the dorms look like? What are their dimensions?

Male freshmen live in Benson Hall. Female freshmen live in Tennessee, Johnson, and Georgia halls. Apartments are reserved for upperclassmen.

Click here for a list of the residence halls on campus. Select your specific residence hall to view:

  • Room photos, including bathrooms and common areas where applicable.
  • Room dimensions and layout
  • Description/photos of furniture provided

All mattresses are Twin Extra Long (Twin XL): 80 inches by 36 inches

More information about residence halls:

  • All residence halls have WiFi and free laundry facilities, which are included with your student resource fee.
  • All residence halls have heat and air conditioning.
  • All residence halls have hard surface flooring in the rooms. Students may bring carpet/rug, but the carpet is not to be glued or taped to the floor.
    All residence halls have blinds on the windows. Window measurements vary by room. Students who want to hang curtains will need to measure and purchase curtains when you move in. Some rooms have utility pipes that prevent hanging curtains.
  • Trevecca cannot accommodate requests to view specific rooms prior to move-in day. Showrooms can be previewed during Encounter, but students should not expect to see their assigned room prior to move-in day.
What do I need to bring with me? Can I have things shipped for my room?

Here is a packing list that details exactly what to bring and what NOT to bring.

Helpful hints:

  • Bring smaller items on the packing list that you know you will need.
  • Consider simplifying the move-in process by waiting to buy larger items after you arrive in Nashville.
  • Nashville is a college town, so there are plenty of stores near Trevecca that stock inventory specifically for college students. (There are 10 Walmart stores and 9 Target stores within 10 miles of campus. Costco and Sam’s Club are also popular stores in the Nashville area.)

If you prefer to have items shipped to you on campus, you can mail them to your attention. Example:

Attention: Your Name Here
Trevecca Nazarene University
333 Murfreesboro Pike, Nashville, TN 37210

Rental equipment for your room

Students may rent bed lofts for use in Trevecca’s residence halls. More info is available at

I’m planning to be a commuter – what do I do?

All commuters are required to submit the residency application form at MyTrevecca > THD using Trevecca credentials to log in. (Need help? Contact your admissions counselor.)

Please note the Trevecca residency requirements:
All non-married students under the age of 23 at the time of registration (who are enrolled for six or more credit hours per semester) are required to live in university residence halls and participate in the meal plan. Single students may qualify for an exception based on the following criteria:
•    Living at home with parents in the Nashville area
•    Living with mature relatives other than parents
•    Approved rent-free housing when job provides it as a condition of employment
Students in any of the following categories who desire to live in residence halls may do so subject to permission from the Center for Student Development:
•    Enrolled for five or fewer credit hours
•    23 years of age or older
•    Have a previous baccalaureate degree
•    Have been previously married
•    Have children
For more information, contact the Center for Student Development at or by calling 615-248-1245.

What options do I have for eating on campus?

For information about Trevecca’s dining options, click here.


How do I submit my immunization records?

New students are required to submit immunization records to the Trevecca Health Clinic by uploading them using the link on OneStop.

What if I get sick?

Trevecca’s health clinic provides preventive care and treatment for minor illnesses/injuries for traditional undergraduate students. We have a physician assistant and nurse on duty Monday-Friday. The Trevecca Health Clinic is located on the ground floor of Georgia Hall. For more info about hours of operation, appointments and services provided, click here. In case of emergency, call 911.

Do I need a physical before I come to campus?

Physical exams are not required for students (except athletes), but it’s always a good idea to see your doctor before you come to campus, especially if you take prescription medications that will require refills.

Does Trevecca provide health insurance for students?

Trevecca recommends that all students have health insurance, but Trevecca does not provide this. Trevecca recommends that students carry a valid health insurance card at all times.

What will the protocol be regarding COVID-19 on campus?

Trevecca recommends students consult with a healthcare provider about whether the COVID-19 vaccine is right for them. Trevecca will not require the COVID-19 vaccine for students or employees, and currently masks are not required on campus. Trevecca will continue to follow guidance from Davidson County Public Health Department and the CDC. More information about the Trevecca Health Clinic and student care will be discussed at orientation.

I have food allergies. What do I do?

For those who have special diet requirements due to medical conditions, the food service team will work to accommodate your needs. A doctor’s outline of dietary needs is helpful. If you have questions about this process, please contact the associate dean of student success, who is responsible for student disability services:

Michelle Gaertner


How do I accept or decline my loans?

Click here for instructions on accessing your student account with your Trevecca credentials.

How do I access my student account to check my bill?

Click here for instructions on accessing your student account with your Trevecca credentials.

When is my first payment due?

The Admissions Office will email you information about how and when to pay your bill in late June. We will provide more information about student accounts and payment plans during the parent session at Encounter. New students will also check in with the Financial Aid Office as a part of the check-in process at orientation in August. Questions? Email or call the Admissions Office at 615-248-1320.

General Questions

Do I need to check my Trevecca e-mail?

Yes. Although students don’t need to monitor Trevecca email 24/7, we recommend you begin to establish a habit of checking your Trevecca email account regularly. Consider setting up your Trevecca email on your smartphone. When you arrive on campus and begin classes, your professors will use email as the primary method of communicating with you (they will not text you or use social media to communicate). Trevecca administrators will also use your Trevecca email to notify you about campus activities, alerts and important deadlines, such as available scholarships. By reading your email, you will stay informed.

To access your Trevecca e-mail, go to and login with your Trevecca credentials. Click the home button in the top left corner and “Outlook” to get to your email. If you do not know your Trevecca credentials, contact your admissions counselor.

Does Trevecca provide transportation to/from the airport?

Due to insurance and liability guidelines, Trevecca employees are unable to provide transportation. Many local hotels offer airport shuttles, and there are numerous ride share options at the Nashville International Airport, such as Uber and Lyft. Click here for information on ground transportation at the airport.

What about hotel accommodations?

A list of Trevecca’s hotel partners are provided here.

Can I bring a car to campus?

Yes, new students may have vehicles on campus. All students who plan to park on campus are required to display a Trevecca parking sticker on their vehicles. The cost of parking on campus is included in the student resource fee.

We will explain how to request a parking permit during the summer.

How would I secure a job on campus?

On-campus jobs are very limited. There is usually a campus job fair during the first two weeks of class. Monitor your Trevecca email for info. Students should expect to complete an application and interview for on-campus jobs, and most pay minimum wage. Many Trevecca students find higher earning potential off campus (most job opportunities around Nashville pay well above minimum wage). Nashville loves Trevecca students, so don’t be afraid to tell potential employers that you’re a Trevecca student!

If you have had a sibling or friend at Trevecca in the past, you may have heard about the iWork Program. The iWork Program has changed. We no longer pre-select students for iWork. If students secure a job on campus, they still have the option to apply their earnings toward their student account to help ease the need for student loans, just as students employed off campus have the option to make payments toward their student account.

Is it too late for me to tour campus?

We would love to host a visit for you! Please register for a campus visit at We offer campus visits Monday – Friday at 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. Note: We are not offering tours of the residence halls at this time due to construction and summer events.

Where do Trevecca students go the most in Nashville?

Check out this link! Also, add to your list Jeni’s Ice Cream, Bridgestone Arena (for Preds games and concerts), Opry Mills Mall and Nissan Stadium. At Encounter and orientation, don’t forget to ask your peer mentors about their favorite places.

What else do I need to do? Are there any final steps before I come to campus?
  1. If you haven’t done so already, register for new student orientation.
  2. Send us your final high school transcript. Contact your high school and ask them to send your final transcript to Trevecca in an official, sealed school envelope to:
    Attn: Admissions, Trevecca Nazarene University, 333 Murfreesboro Pike, Nashville, TN 37210.
  3. If you completed any college credit courses while enrolled in high school (called dual enrollment), please ask the college to send the college transcript to Trevecca.
  4. Submit your immunization records on OneStop.
  5. Follow Trevecca on social media to keep up with what’s happening on campus this summer.

Have more questions? Contact your admissions counselor or call the Admissions Office at 615-248-1320.

We can’t wait to see you!