Faith & Service

At Trevecca Nazarene University, students' academic success is top priority. But, students are shaped and formed in other significant ways, too. Trevecca's mission is for students to grow and mature as people of faith. That mission is woven into the fabric of the Trevecca experience: courses which help students to discern their life calling and vocation; professors who help them grapple with what it means to be a person of faith in their area of study; mentors and friends who pray with them and walk alongside them on their faith journey.

Trevecca is intentional about providing opportunities for students to be formed into Christlikeness and believes these practices are ways the grace of God is poured into their lives, preparing them for a life of leadership in and service to our world.


Believing that worship is central to the Christian life, members of the Trevecca community gather together each week for corporate worship. Services include prayer, singing, scripture, challenging preaching and sharing in the Lord’s Supper.

Community Engagement & Service

As a Christian university in the heart of Nashville, we are surrounded with a variety of opportunities to serve. We work to create sustainable partnerships with local churches and organizations who are serving the diverse community of our city. Our Community Engagement team seeks to increase awareness, encourage collaboration, practice good neighboring and build capacity.

Trevecca Worship

Trevecca Worship's singular goal is to uplift Jesus Christ and share the message of His saving grace through music. The three talented groups that comprise Trevecca Worship, all from Trevecca University in the heart of Music City, travel across the Southeast to perform at churches, camps, and retreats.

Trevecca Around the Globe (TAG)

Living out our faith by serving others and engaging in the world is an essential part of Trevecca's identity. Each year, members of the Trevecca community participate in mission trips locally and globally sharing the good news of the Kingdom of God with a world in need.