Making Great Stories Possible

When you support Trevecca with a financial contribution, you're building a future for students who will carry God’s story of hope and restoration through their work, families, and communities - Kingdom work that's always a worthwhile investment.

The Power of Giving

Your contributions play a pivotal role in nurturing the aspirations of students like Naomi and Drew. Each donation acts as a stepping stone, enabling these young hearts to chase their dreams fervently and to heed the call that God has placed on their lives—to extend compassion, love and aid to those in need. It's more than just financial support; it's an investment in a brighter, kinder future led by individuals committed to making a substantial difference in the world around them.

Areas to Give

Giving Day 2022

Following our inaugural giving day last year, make plans to be part of our one-day fundraising campaign on March 15.

Opportunities to give, share information and advocate for Trevecca will be part of this big push to support current and future students with donations to scholarships, athletic initiatives, STEM programs and more. You can designate your gift to impact the area of your choice.

Please join us!

Campus Improvements

Student center renovations, a new STEM facility and a residence hall are just a few projects made possible by donors.

Area of Greatest Need (Trevecca Annual Fund)

As our student population and programs grow, it's vital that campus operations are supported by effective and efficient systems.

Academic Programs

Support the academic area of your choice through gifts that help fund specific academic programs.

Annual Scholarships

Yearly scholarships are funded by donors on an annual basis, and awarded based on available funds.

Endowed Scholarships

Endowments make it possible to provide named scholarships for general purposes or for specific areas of study.

Athletic & Event Center

Donor funds pave the way for the facilities and upgrades that enable success in Division II athletics.

Urban Farm

A source of sustainable community resources as well as educational opportunities, this unique program has earned multiple environmental awards.

Campus Improvements

Student center renovations, a new STEM facility and a residence hall are just a few projects made possible by donors.

Area of Greatest Need (Trevecca Annual Fund)

As our student population and programs grow, it's vital that campus operations are supported by effective and efficient systems.

Academic Programs

Support the academic area of your choice through gifts that help fund specific academic programs.

Annual Scholarships

Yearly scholarships are funded by donors on an annual basis, and awarded based on available funds.

Endowed Scholarships

Endowments make it possible to provide named scholarships for general purposes or for specific areas of study.

Athletic & Event Center

Donor funds pave the way for the facilities and upgrades that enable success in Division II athletics.

Annual Scholarships

Yearly scholarships are funded by donors on an annual basis, and awarded based on available funds.

Endowed Scholarships

Endowments make it possible to provide named scholarships for general purposes or for specific areas of study.

Athletic & Event Center

Donor funds pave the way for the facilities and upgrades that enable success in Division II athletics.

Urban Farm

A source of sustainable community resources as well as educational opportunities, this unique program has earned multiple environmental awards.

Campus Improvements

Student center renovations, a new STEM facility and a residence hall are just a few projects made possible by donors.

Area of Greatest Need (Trevecca Annual Fund)

As our student population and programs grow, it's vital that campus operations are supported by effective and efficient systems.

Academic Programs

Support the academic area of your choice through gifts that help fund specific academic programs.

Event Spotlight


APRIL 10, 2025

Join us for the 5th annual Trevecca Giving Day on Thursday, April 10, 2025! Your generous support is what makes Trevecca so special. Join Trevecca alumni, employees, students, parents, friends, businesses and churches to support Trevecca students, programs and facilities. Help us reach our goal to engage 1500 donors. Together, anything is possible!

Event Spotlight

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APRIL 4, 2025

Join us on Friday, April 4, 2025 for an unforgettable evening at the Trevecca Giving Day Gala Dinner! This elegant, future-focused event will launch Trevecca's fifth annual Giving Day on April 10.

Friday, April 4, 2025
Boone Convocation Center
Reception 6:30-7:00 p.m.
Dinner 7:00-9:30 p.m.

Enjoy an evening of engaging conversations, excellent music, delicious culinary creations, and inspirational storytelling. A silent auction will add to the unique opportunities to support Trevecca and its students.

Ways to Give

Click here to make a one-time or recurring monthly donation. Trevecca accepts all major credit cards, Paypal and Venmo.

Checks should be made payable to "Trevecca Nazarene University." Include fund designation on the memo line or in a note with the gift. Gifts may be mailed to:

Trevecca Nazarene University
Office of University Engagement
333 Murfreesboro Pike
Nashville, TN 37210-2877

Trevecca accepts all major credit cards, Paypal, and Venmo. You may make credit card gifts through our secure website vendor, or by calling the Engagement Specialist, Operations & Gift Stewardship at 615-248-1413 and providing your card information.

Double or triple your gifts for Trevecca! Many corporations match gifts made by employees, retirees, and family members. This program is an excellent way to increase your gift.  Find out if your employer participates in the Matching Gift Program. You may contact the Office of University Engagement at 615-248-1355 for more information.

Donor Advised Funds (DAF) are one of the fastest growing charitable giving mechanisms available to donors. When donors contribute assets to the DAF, they get an immediate deduction. Then the donor can recommend grants to qualified charities like Trevecca. The DAF will need the University's legal name (Trevecca Nazarene University), mailing address and Tax I.D. number: 62-0497990.

Click here to find more information and make your gift.

For stock and securities gifts, tax credit will be given on the date the stock transfer arrives in Trevecca’s account. Please check with your broker on the timing needed to ensure a transfer by December 31.  If the stock is held in a brokerage account, please forward to your broker the following information for facilitating an electronic transfer:

  • University’s Broker: Charles Schwab, 520 Cool Springs Blvd, Franklin, TN 37067
  • Attn: Nicole West, 615-771-1734
  • DTC number: 0164  |  Account number: 1374-7848

Because a donor’s name is not included with an electronic transfer, please notify the Office of University Engagement that a transfer is being made, what type of stock and the number of shares. You may call Lisa Hathcock, Engagement Specialist, Operations & Gift Stewardship, at 615-248-1413 or

A simple, but powerful way to be a part of the future of Trevecca Nazarene University is by including a gift in your will or trust. These gifts cost you nothing today, but ensure that our education of leadership and service can flourish for years to come.

If you are ready to create your legacy with Trevecca today, you can use FreeWill, a free, online will-writing tool to begin your will and include a gift today. It only takes 20 minutes to complete, and is free, no matter what. Start your legacy today.

Donating part or all of your unused retirement assets, such as your IRA, 401(k), 403(b), pension, or other tax-deferred plan, is an excellent way to make a gift to Trevecca Nazarene University. To find out more information, click here.

You can also learn more about other planned giving opportunities here

You can now give Cryptocurrency as a payment method on our secure website. To give a gift of Cryptocurrency, just select “Use Card/Bank/Crypto” after including the details of your gift. Then on the second screen, select “Pay with Cryptocurrency.” You’ll see a step-by-step guide to transfer funds from your Crypto account. Questions? Contact Christy Grant at

If you are 70½ or older, you may be interested in a way to lower the income and taxes from your IRA withdrawals. An IRA charitable rollover is a way you can help continue our work and benefit this year.

Click here to find more information and make your gift.

Donations to endowed scholarships that benefit traditional undergraduate students will be matched dollar-for-dollar to the awardable portion of the scholarship. (Minimum gift of $500.) 
  • By making a gift of long term appreciated property—securities, real estate or business interests—you can save income taxes twice. First, you save by receiving a charitable deduction for the current value of the gift. Second, you save by eliminating the payment of the capital gains tax on the property’s increase in value. These gifts are deductible up to 30% of your adjusted gross income, a deduction which may be carried forward for five years. Contact Peggy Cooning at for more information.
  • You can now give Cryptocurrency as a payment method on our secure website. To give a gift of Cryptocurrency, just select “Use Card/Bank/Crypto” after including the details of your gift. Then on the second screen, select “Pay with Cryptocurrency.” You’ll see a step-by-step guide to transfer funds from your Crypto account. 
  • Checks may be made payable to Trevecca Nazarene University, postmarked and mailed by Tuesday, December 31, 2024. Our address is Trevecca Nazarene University, Office of University Engagement, 333 Murfreesboro Pike, Nashville, TN 37210. If your gift is designated to a specific scholarship, program or fund, please indicate that information on the memo line or with an enclosed communication.
  • Credit card gifts may be made until 11:59 p.m. on December 31, 2024 through the University’s secure online page at All major credit cards are accepted, as well as PayPal, Venmo and ApplePay. 
  • If you are 70 ½ years old or older, it may be to your tax advantage to have the required minimum distribution (RMD) from your retirement account transferred directly to Trevecca. You can avoid paying taxes on this income—up to $105,000—from your retirement account. A married couple can give up to $210,000. Contact Don Hastings at 615-248-1436 for more information. *NOTE* RMD’s must be deposited into Trevecca’s account before the end of the calendar year so please give yourself enough time in the holiday season to meet that deadline.
  • For stock and securities gifts, tax credit will be given on the date the stock transfer arrives in Trevecca’s account. Please check with your broker on the timing needed to ensure a transfer by December 31.  If the stock is held in a brokerage account, please forward to your broker the following information for facilitating an electronic transfer: University’s Broker: Charles Schwab, Inc., 520 Cool Springs Blvd, Franklin, TN 37067. DTC  number: 0164 | Account number: 1374-7848
  • If you wish to make a gift through your donor advised funds or a first-time stock gift, you will need the University’s Tax I.D. number: 62-0497990.

Legacy Planning

There are a number of advantageous ways to include a gift to Trevecca in your estate or financial plans, and we're here to help you find the vehicle that works best for your goals.

Church Giving & Engagement

Without our church partnerships, we couldn't effectively carry out our mission to educate servant leaders. We're appreciative for the financial support of all our partner churches.

We're also grateful that we can provide University programs that support ministries and churches, including Trevecca's Center for Pastoral Health, formed in partnership with the Southeast District of the Church of the Nazarene.

Our Donors

The Office of University Engagement is grateful for the alumni, friends, churches, and organizations who give financially to support the mission of Trevecca. Together, we will help ensure Trevecca and her graduates carry the stories of God’s redemptive work long into the future. 

Southeast Field Church of the Nazarene

Trevecca is one of 54 worldwide colleges, universities, and seminaries affiliated with the Church of the Nazarene. The churches within the Southeast Region generously support Trevecca with gift support totaling almost $2 million annually. All of these funds are used to support student scholarships.

Churches may make their budget payments by electronic fund transfer through Trevecca's secure website vendor.

Questions about education budget payments should be directed to Lisa Hathcock, or 615-248-1413.

Grants & Foundations

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Trevecca Donor Recognition Societies

We are grateful for Trevecca donors who give as part of our three giving societies: 
  • Trevecca Society recognizes those donors whose annual giving totals $1,000 or more.
  • The Adams League of Loyal Donors recognizes donors who give donations of any amount for five or more consecutive years.
  • Trevecca Legacy Partners are individuals who have notified the University in writing that Trevecca is part of their estate plans.

Learn more about these groups

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I make a gift now?
Click here to make an online donation via credit card or call the Office of University Engagement at 615-248-1355 to make a credit card gift by phone.
What are the ways to give?
  • Online Credit Card
  • Cash
  • Check
  • Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard, Discover)
  • Automatic Check Debit
  • Stock or other Securities
  • Real Estate
  • Gifts in Kind
What programs can I support?
  • Trevecca Annual Fund
  • Scholarships and other Endowed Funds
  • Building Funds
  • SE Region Educational Budgets
  • Student Mission Trips
  • Academic Departments
  • Athletic programs
How do I know if my company matches gifts?

Go to and type in your company name for any information regarding matching gifts from your company.

You can also check with your company's Human Resources office for information.

How do I start a scholarship?

Is there a need for more scholarship support at Trevecca?

Yes! While a college education—especially in a Christian environment like Trevecca—is a critically important investment, it is an expensive one. Many of Trevecca’s students come from families who have limited resources like pastors, missionaries, and teachers. In fact, nearly 95% of Trevecca’s undergraduate students receive some type of financial aid.

What are the steps to set up a scholarship at Trevecca?

First, you need to decide what type of student you would like to assist. It could be for a student studying in a certain field such as education. Or, you may want to designate the region the student lives, such as the State of Florida. You may want to assist students who have high financial need or combine various designations. It is important to note that the scholarships with fewer designations are easier to award that those with many restrictions.

Second, you need to decide if you want to fund an endowed scholarship or an annual scholarship. An endowed scholarship is one where the scholarship funds are invested and the income from the funds are available to award. A minimum of $20,000 (reached within 3 years) is needed to fund an endowed scholarship. An annual scholarship is one that is awarded, as funds are available. Some donors choose to fund a combination of an endowed and an annual scholarship.

Third, you need to decide what name you would like to give the scholarship fund. It is helpful if the scholarship is for a particular type of student, that it is reflected generally in the name. For example if it is for education majors then “Education” would be included in the name. Many persons want to honor or memorialize a family member or friend. Example: John and Martha Smith Education Scholarship

Others would like to include their own name as part of the name. Example: John Smith Religion Scholarship.

Finally, you will work with a member of the Office of University Engagement to draft written guidelines that clearly spell out the details of the scholarship.

May others who are interested in the scholarship I establish also make gifts?

Yes! Anyone may designate a gift to a specific scholarship fund. This is a common practice when a scholarship is established in honor or in memory of a loved one.

May I designate the student to receive the scholarship?

Because of IRS regulations, the donor cannot choose the student who is to receive the scholarship. The University must make the selection based on the guidelines established by the donor(s).

What gift resources do people use to start a scholarship?

Scholarship gifts may be made in many different ways through many different means including checks, credit cards, securities, real estate, monthly electronic payments, annuities, and even estate plans.

Once I establish of scholarship, will I hear from Trevecca about it?

If you establish an endowed scholarship fund, you will receive an annual statement regarding the earnings (or losses) of the fund. You will also receive information regarding the student(s) who were awarded the scholarship.

I have other questions. Who do I contact?

You may call the Vice President for University Engagement at 615-248-1451, or the Senior Stewardship Officer and Director of Planned Giving at 615-248-1213.

How do I put Trevecca in my Will?

You can do so here.

Please call the Director of Planned Giving at 615-248-1436 with questions.

How do I donate items or property to Trevecca?

Contact Peg Cooning, Vice President for University Engagement at 615-248-1355 or

Who do I talk to about...
  • Planned giving
    Director of Planned Giving at 615-248-1436
  • Donor record information (receipts and tax statements)
    Coordinator of Advancement Services at 615-248-1413
I have other questions. Who do I contact?

Call the Office of University Engagement at 615-248-1355.

Trevecca Gift Policies

View policies