Offices & Services
Trevecca is committed to providing excellent services to students. In fact, employees take great pleasure in providing that extra service that helps students accomplish their goals. Across the campus in all Trevecca offices, students and campus visitors will encounter University personnel who will go out of their way to help them obtain the information and service that they need.
This area of the website provides information about the various services available to Trevecca students. Please select an office or service for additional details.
Campus Security
Center for Human Flourishing
The Center for Human Flourishing is a Trevecca initiative that equips Tennesseans for the work of human flourishing and holistic poverty alleviation. Through ongoing trainings, online resources and yearlong cohorts, the center resources frontline workers and leaders who are engaged in the work of reducing dependency and increasing upward stability for individuals and families across the state.
Center for Student Development
The Center for Student Development provides a variety of resources to support students through a successful college journey. Here, students can find academic support, first year programs, disability services, and much more. This office exists to meet the diverse needs of the changing and diverse student population.
Counseling Center
Office of Academic Records
Office of Church Engagement
Trevecca is a primary educational partner for Churches of the Nazarene across the Southeast USA, but it also seeks to partner with churches that name the name of Christ to minister hope and healing to God's creation. Trevecca is here to help support and encourage church leaders who identify with the University's focus on hearts totally yielded to God for service in this ever-changing world.
Office of Financial Services
Office of Mission Excellence and Reconciliation
In 2021, Trevecca announced the creation of the Office of Mission Excellence and Reconciliation. The role of this office includes providing intercultural and biblical reconciliation training for faculty, students, and employees, assisting campus leaders in implementing intercultural initiatives, and advising departments and teams throughout Trevecca’s campus to build a community of belonging for everyone with the love of God and love of others (Mark 12:31).
TNU Clinic
Trevecca Grants
Discover the exceptional support services at Trevecca Nazarene University that promote engagement in research and sponsored programs. Find funding opportunities and foster partnerships for innovation and discovery.