Urban Farm

The Trevecca Urban Farm was inspired as a teaching tool to equip students to help food-insecure neighborhoods around the world. In the heart of Nashville, livestock guardian dogs oversee our heritage goats, pigs, ducks and chickens as they graze Trevecca’s campus and lots nearby. With a worm farm, campus composting, beekeeping, urban orchard, greenhouse and vegetable gardens, the Urban Farm is able to produce abundantly within view of Nashville’s skyscrapers.


Caring for the earth and growing food in the heart of Nashville.

For more information, send us an email, like us on Facebook, or follow us on Instagram.

An environmental program

We recognize that nothing impacts the created world and its inhabitants like farming–still the livelihood of half the world’s workers. As Wendell Berry reminds us, “How we eat determines, to a considerable extent, how the world will be used.” Good farming can save the planet. We teach and practice community-centered organic agriculture that heals the land and the communities that depend on it.

A justice program

We recognize that the gifts of the land and environmental burdens are not shared equitably. The world’s poorest communities face the greatest threats to chemical exposure, dumping, flooding, displacement, and inadequate food access. Our task is to work as neighbors with neighbors to foster the healing of our place.

About creation care

Learn from Trevecca Urban Farm director Jason Adkins as he discusses what it means to be the image of God as we care for creation in the videos below.


Thanks to a $50,000 grant from Nashville Metro Public Health Department’s Community Partnership Fund, we've created TreeCycle—a program in which area youth will bike throughout the Napier and Sudekum neighborhoods and plant trees. TreeCycle works to fight back against food insecurity and economic factors that make it difficult for Trevecca’s neighbors to access healthy, nutritious foods. Learn more here or watch this feature story from News Channel 5.

Farm Camp

Does your middle schooler love being outdoors and caring for animals? Is there a budding gardener in your household? Or an advocate eager to change the world? Sign your camper up for an exciting and educational week this summer at Trevecca Urban Farm!


Our supporters


Additional supporters include:

  • Bridgestone
  • Cumberland River Compact/Root Nashville
  • Cigna
  • USDA

Support the farm

Want to help support the Urban Farm? Click here to donate. Under the designation field, select "Other Designation" and write in "Urban Farm." We appreciate your support!

Donate Today

You can support the work of the Trevecca Urban Farm by volunteering with us or by purchasing our products. To learn more about volunteering, email us.

Sign up for our market newsletter for our weekly list of available produce and products.

Sign up for a tour of the farm

Use the widget below to schedule a visit to the Trevecca Urban Farm.

*An Authorization and Release Form must be filled out for all minors that participate in Urban Farm activities.